Departments and Centers
Mental Health Center for Children
There is a great deal of public concern about children's mental health issues, and there is a growing demand from various fields, including education, welfare, government, and family doctors, for the establishment of a system to treat children's mental health issues.
Children's mental problems are not only psychiatric symptoms such as depression and anxiety, but also physical symptoms such as chronic headache or abdominal pain, dizziness, inability to get up in the morning, and immobility. The Center provides outpatient and inpatient treatment for eating disorders, orthostatic dysregulation, truancy, recurrent pain (headache/abdominal pain), child abuse, and habitual behaviors (tics, etc.) by a multidisciplinary team including physicians, licensed psychologists/clinical psychologists, nurses, social workers, nutritionists, childcare workers, child life specialists, and physical/occupational therapists.
In Fukuoka, a city with a population of 1.6 million, there are only a few inpatient pediatric facilities that can deal with children's mental health issues, and we will continue to collaborate with local medical institutions.
Characteristics and features
- This center targets children who are in the process of growing up* and have mental disorders due to psychological and social factors. (*The growth and development process is a series of stages beginning from birth, through neonatal, infant, school-age, and adolescence, until adulthood.)
- Fukuoka University Hospital is accredited as a specialist training facility by the Children's Mental Health Medical Specialty Board.
- Appointments must be booked in advance. Please ask your family medical institution to make a request to the Community Health Care Center (dedicated fax: 092-862-8622) for an appointment.
Statistical data on medical care
Target diseases
Orthostatic dysregulation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Truancy, Chronic headache, Chronic abdominal pain, Eating disorders, Child abuse, Somatoform disorders, Sleep disorders, Sexual victimization, Bullying, Gaming disorder, Tics, Obesity, Attachment disorders, Autism spectrum disorder, Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Intellectual disability, Chronic illness, Other